Month: August 2023

Vocab From Our Text

Task Description:

For today’s must do we had to complete 3 read theories along with all of our word pyramids. I found this task quite easy as I was familiar with some of the words. The only word I found difficult was “Tuakana-Teina” which means the eldest sister. Can you use Tuakana-Teina” in a sentence? Here is my word pyramids.



Task Description:

This term, Team Tui’s LCS focus has been around Matariki. Khin Lin and I have prepared some slides about Matariki stars for you guys, just to show you what we’ve been learning during LCS time. We also have a short film for you guys to watch, it is an appropriate musical you can sit back and relax and enjoy! So please do watch our video!  Our big question is “Where did Matariki Originate from” which we found our answers using different websites (Click this link to find answers). I hope you had a wonderful day, Haere Ra 😀

Acrostic Poem

Task Description:

Kia Ora Guys, so yesterday room 13 has been working on acrostic poems. For those who don’t know how to create an acrostic poem, all you need is your name (writing it downwards). Then describe yourself only using the first initial of each letter in your name. Here’s mine! The word that I could relate to in my acrostic poem would probably be ambitious as I have big aspirations 😀 I hope you like my blog! And make sure to leave a positive comment 😀


Task Description:

Today Team Tui had a talk about measurements. During that time, Mr Raj explained the meaning of capacity and volume giving an example utilising a cup of water. Capacity and volume means the maximum of how ever much something can hold. We also learned about mm, cm,m,km. Did you know that 5000m makes 5km? I hope you learnt something about maths 🙂


Task Description:

For the first writing task we had to describe ourselves using similes. This task was quite easy as I have many features. For the second task we were given a simile which we had to find the meaning of.  For example, “She was as slow as a sloth”, then I explain the meaning of that phrase. Can you describe yourselves using 5 similes ?

Word Pyramid

Task Description:

For today’s task, I completed 6 word pyramids. This task took me about 20-30 minutes which I found quite surprising since it would normally take a day or 2 to finish. I hope you enjoy my blog post and make sure to leave a positive, thoughtful and helpful comment!


Converting measurements

Task Description:

For this task Team Tui had to get in a group of 3 and create any shape. Then finding the measurements of the perimeter of each side. After that we add the sides all together in whatever measurement (e.g mm or cm). Then converting them into either miler meters, centimetres or even meters. For this activity I worked with Khin Lin and Mary-Grace.

Blog Replies

Task Description:

For this Cybersmart task, we had to read a blog post comment replying in a positive way. The templates we used included thanking the person that commented while another was responding to their question/giving one for them. I found this task not as challenging compared to the other activities, but either very compelling as the thought of you guys commenting to my blog and then replying. I hope you have a good day and make sure to leave a good comment!